Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sites with Journalism Jobs for Teenagers

Here is a list of sites with online journalism jobs for teenagers. You may want to check out the sites enumerated below and see if you qualify in any of the teenage journalism jobs that they offer.

Before You Apply
Most of the companies/sites below prefer to hire professionals and graduates. Nevertheless, they also provide journalism jobs for teens, students in particular, who are looking for ways to earn money on a part time basis. Do note that while working as a freelance writer gives you freedom to choose your working pace and time, you are still expected to meet deadlines and pass quality write-ups. Below are just some of the sites where you can find teenage journalism opportunities:

Prospect Solution hires students who write high quality articles and delivers them on time. They currently employ around three thousand writers from English speaking countries around the globe. You can see this review for more information on the teen journalism jobs offered by and are Philippine based writing services providers with jobs in journalism for teenagers online. They accept high school graduates and accept applicants who are 16 years old.

With journalism opportunities for teenagers, students and young people now have an additional option to earn money. Do you know of other sites offering online journalism jobs for teens? Feel free to share them below.


  1. Can i apply ? Im a journalist but im 14 year old only .
